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cheap pamelor This is Payne's subject, this emptiness. Woody had planned to buy a new truck and compressor with that million dollars, restoring things lost or never had, and he wanted to leave something for his sons, a legacy. At the end of his life, he's come face to face with the terror of his utter meaninglessness and can look only to money for meaning, because this is all we have in America: money with an oblique reference to family. My Uncle Jim, from Nebraska, destroyed his life and his family's life in pursuit of instant riches through Amway, the pyramid scheme of product sales that is so aptly named American Way. He'd had a job with the government and a house and pool in a good neighbourhood in a lovely part of California but lost it all, went bankrupt, divorced and lived in a trailer until his heart ruptured from smoking. Or maybe he'd lost everything first through trying to sell real estate and Amway was supposed to be the recovery.