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diabecon If the fundamental legal error in this situation is an improper decision by the FDA that the 23andme DNA-SNP profile is medical, what should 23andme do? As a citizen and customer, what should I do? Does 23andme???s limited attempts to accommodate the FDA???s device-approval process constitute prima facie acceptance of the FDA???s decision. Should you and other journalists accept 23andme???s screwed-up compliance as evidence of the legitimacy of the FDA???s legal mandate? According to the US Supreme Court, it is every citizen???s responsibility to disbelieve the representation and promises of all government agents (or to accept such representations and promises at their own risk). If this applies to ordinary citizens, it would seem to be more applicable to journalists. But people are so entrained in believing authority, I cannot fault 23andme in not recognizing or appreciating their best legal strategy in dealing with possible FDA transgressions.