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Essentially, he's saying let's be safe rather than sorry. Let's hope for the best but plan for the worst. "Most of us hope that global warming actually has stopped." Alas, I think such optimism is premature. The current pause is consistent with numerous prior pauses. The slow rate of warming of the recent past is consistent with the kind of variability that some of us predicted nearly a decade ago." In other words, the scientific consensus remains that global warming will become a greater and greater threat the longer we refuse to make the kind of changes needed to head it off. Even those who remain skeptical should support any effort toward less dependency on fossil fuel and more development of renewable energy sources. We may be unlocking supplies of oil and gas in North America to last for decades, and but no matter how much is down there, it's a finite amount. It will eventually run out. Even if global warming were a chimera, it's a spur toward the kind of innovation that will lead us to innovations which, half a century from now, will make oil and gas seem laughably inefficient as fuel. Evidence and statistics favor the threat of global warming. The consequences of that scenario are simply catastrophic. By the time our certainty about climate change moves to 100 percent, it will be too late. The need for urgent and aggressive action has to be now.