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danazol Who is Lyssa? She is madness. Not a?generic madness, for Greek authors punctiliously identified varieties of disordered minds. For example, the ecstatic mania sent by Dionysus is different from the hallucinations sent by the Erinyes, the Furies who torture Orestes after his matricide. Lyssa, according to Hall, is "personified combat-craziness": the madness of the?berserking soldier. Lyssa can, Hall?has written, "attack arbitrarily, force entry into the body even of a superhero, send him into a wild state?with physical symptoms of derangement, terrify him, wreck his cognitive skills, and make him destroy the things he loves the most". Lyssa is animalesque: she might be dog-faced, or likened to a?snake-haired Gorgon. Unleash the dogs of war, and you unleash Lyssa. When Heracles is sent mad by Lyssa, he?becomes "Gorgon-eyed" and "like a?bull"; he "shakes his wild-eyed Gorgon face".